And now for our dream jobs...

Have you ever been jealous of the checkout girl at a grocery store? I remember one year when I had two little boys at home, and I was trying to work from there, and I was busy with some volunteer things for church, and I was sort of out of my mind stressed out. I felt I couldn't give a hundred percent to anything because I was doing too many at once. That day when I went to the store I was so jealous of the checkout girl, because her job seemed so one-tasked. (Which was a really unfair assumption of course). And not only that! A manager slipped up behind me and placed a sign behind my groceries, "This lane closed," and told the girl she could go on break after I was through. Oh how I wished for a manager and a "This Lane Closed" sign FOR MY LIFE.

I've since realized that job probably has all its own stresses, and I was only seeing one of her "hats" at the time anyway. Still, don't we all wonder about other jobs are out there? I think, "Where do you work?" is sometimes code for, "How much do you dread Monday mornings, do you get paid more than me, and do you work there on purpose or just because it's something you fell into?"

I think one reason I sometimes wish I were an actress is because I could try on so many different jobs. So today is, "I'm not a dentist, but I play one on t.v." Day.

I'd like to be a teacher in a test run sort of way. I'm pretty sure it's not my gifting, but I'd like to try it out for a while. I'm thinking high school Language Arts. But elementary school sounds tempting every now and then when I'm feeling particularly nurturing.

I'd like to be Kelly, as in, "Regis and...".

I'd like to be a stay-at-home, full time novelist.

A flight attendant. There's something kind of tempting about flying all day long.

Every now and then, when I'm feeling super giving and brave, I want to open a preschool based on the principles in the book For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macauley (with lots of imaginative playtime and the reading aloud of great literary works - very cool).

And one more: I've always wondered if I could make a go of my very own business - like a book store or a quaint little coffee shop.

And now it's your turn again. What jobs do you wonder about sometimes?


quite possibly the reason I had him


things we'd like to experience for ourselves