This and That
Whew! That last post was quite a ride. I'm going to be so sad now when my comments section doesn't top 40. I was thinking today we could talk about the financial bail-out. Um . . . as they say in cyber world, j/k. I.e., I'm totally kidding. I don't want to talk about the financial bail-out, because I have very little understanding about it and even less of an opinion. You should, however, feel free to discuss it amongst yourselves.
Also, I'd like to address another very important topic from the comments section on the last post. Yes, I am using a rotary phone at this time. Our cordless is on the brink. It doesn't charge even on the receiver, so it often dies mid-conversation. And for quite some time now, I haven't been able to dial any phone number with a 4 in it. (Lori, not that you would notice, but this is why I always call you from my cell phone). About the rotary, which came out from under the bed until we finally remember to add "phone" to the shopping list, it sits right beside me at the desk and is extremely loud. So if I sound a little testy when I answer the phone, it's not you. It's that my eardrum has just been punctured by the loudest annoying sound in the world.
Now, how sweet is this? (The object of the picture above). My name, believe me, has ended up on several things way less flattering than this little blue-green bit of wonderful. So when I see it on things like this, I'm so happy.
Now, technically I only actually drink tea when I get a painful chest cold. And even then, it's more that it seems like the perfect thing to do than that I have actually developed a taste for it. Nikki knows this about me, but she knew I would love this anyway.
And she was so right. It's adorable. It's the most calming color, and it's a symbol of how very cool it is to have friends who like you enough to think about you when they're in a store and find beautiful things. Although it's supposed to hold a dripping tea bag (maybe I will start drinking tea, just so I can use this!), I use it more like a stress reliever. I just look at it, tap that lovely color and familiar word with my fingers, and wah-lah, sereni-tea now.