Third Day

In my search for the happiest life possible within my control, I have learned a lot about a couple things:

  1. what the happiest life possible within my control even means for me, and

  2. how to hold onto that definition.

What I mean is, “you may already have it,” is something I tell myself a lot when it comes to happiness. And then I list the things that make this true.

  • the awesomeness of being alive,

  • home in a place that’s not at war.

  • love,

  • a paycheck, and

  • work that sparks a light in me

After I reflect on that, I daydream. For both the reflection and the dreams, I bring you, the Third Day.

I got this idea from an internet person who said they set aside the number/day of their birthday every month to reflect on their life goals, centering thoughts, etc. I liked the idea.

At first I called it ✨Sereniday✨, but that felt a little extra.

Now I call it the Third Day. I’m realizing as I write this post how Jesus-y that is, like I use the third day of every month to rise from the dead, which is not that off from what a good, reflective day can do for a person. A day to remind us to stop going through the motions in life and actually notice it—that is a resurrection of sorts.

I named it the Third Day for less spiritual reasons. I’m quoting Joey on Friends. He uses the term for Thursdays because he starts the week on Monday and forgets Wednesday is a thing. It’s kind of a leap, but it’s a simple, straightforward name, and it’s worked for me since December when I started this little game.

I have a countdown on my phone for the Third Day, and it’s on my calendar every month so I get reminders. That way, it builds. It makes me happy to remember that “thinking about stuff” is the big, important goal for at least one day every month in a world when we might otherwise never pause for that because there’s too much to do.

These are the things I might think about on the Third Day:

  • My aim - I don’t make resolutions, but this year I created a general direction I want to move

  • My New Year Notes - I do write down a few hopes/plans each year for my work, creativity, and home

  • My word for the year - if I chose one

  • My Life 7 + 1 focus - these are 7 areas of life—mind, body, spirit, love, money, purpose, fun—plus an 8th area, inspiring spaces. I choose one of these that needs my attention most and think about how I could do that

  • My Values - another list I’ve made

  • My Manifestos - More lists. Lists of lists!

  • Money - because even if it’s not my chosen 7 + 1, this can always use attention

As I write this, tomorrow is the third day of May. So my calendar will say ✨Third Day✨ like it’s a holiday, and I will be ever so slightly more thoughtful about what the point is to all this waking up in the morning and doing stuff. First thing in the morning, or in those sweet evening hours after the day job, I will race to my closet for my journal, pick a thing or two from the list above, and reflect.

It’s the plainest of things—the third day of every month—and I made it something.

It’s kinda awesome.


Say it Again