Most Likely to Raise the Average - (now that's a yearbook win)
It's been a week of great losses and small wins in my world, and it makes me feel all out of balance. We've lost football games, music auditions, and money (ER visits and college credit courses are expensive!). We've gained the beautiful sight of a bulldozer digging up the basement for our new home. But I've lost perspective for Monday and for committee meetings.
The way I return to balance is pretty simple really. I tie a knot and hang on, and maybe hug a pillow. Weird seasons come along, but they never last forever, thank God. So, basically, I just wait it out. And trust.
(How beautiful is this picture? It's what we all need basically: better blocking.)
Photo by Diane Richmond
Usually, when I blog about a positive perspective or happy accomplishment, that thing gets directly attacked by evil forces the very next day. So I'm thinking if I already feel out of sorts, writing a positive post could actually turn it around. I told myself last week that I was going to make every effort to consistently give my lovely readers help for Monday. I can't be the only one that struggles here, though I know we don't all hate Mondays. The point, though, is that I'm going to be here for you at least once a week, Lord willing and the internet still exists.
Today's goodness I present to you as evidence that perhaps, in fact, it is true that what you ask for, you receive (bible version) or what you speak into the universe comes to pass (postmodern version). You may have heard me say that I am fascinated with and a bit over the moon for the study of positive psychology. Today I learned the study was founded because psychologists realized they had learned how to help people go from negative levels to zero (which immediately makes me picture an entire planet of emotion-less zombies who are, at least, not unhappy), but that they had not yet studied the science behind going from zero to happy or from happy (I love this part) to happiER.Where did I learn this history of positive psychology? I will tell you, because that is the positive thing.
I spent some time today making a list. Oh, how I love lists. Since our financial, physical and emotional health will be equal to the average of those things in the five people we are closest to, happiness experts recommend that we think carefully about who those five people in our life will be. Surround yourself with positive people, the theory goes, and you will be more positive. So I began a list. I want people in my life who like their jobs - this is a big one for me, people who like their non-job if that is their choice, basically people who like their day. I began a list of these positive people - it was very enlightening and beautiful when I realized my husband is the most positive influence in my life. With my list still on my mind today, I clicked to the online learning center at my workplace to catch up on a seminar I had looked forward to but missed.The presenter is someone in my direct working environment - not like a guy somewhere on the same campus, but actually in the same general realm. And what is the first thing he said in his presentation? "I am fascinated with the field of positive psychology." And then he proceeded to describe the field and list tools for happiness and show us how to view our own lives from a positive approach instead of the negative.
You know that thing where you start to list your blessings and then it seems like you get more? That's what this felt like. I thought of people in my life I could turn to for some perspective, and then life brought me just one more. He was all about the perspective. He was teaching it, for crying out loud. And just a few weeks ago, I was in a lunch meeting with the guy.
Goodness. Is. Everywhere. Sometimes I end my journal entries with a wish or a prayer, and that's what I'm feeling here. Goodness is everywhere. For the love of all that is pure, help me wake up and see it. Amen.
(Need a happiness assignment from this post? Try listing the five successful or positive people in your life of whom you would like to be the average. Lists are the beginning to every kind of perfection.)