The Story District - And All the Books are Free

I once said, "We tend to admire most those we have a chance of becoming," or something like that. I was trying to suggest that we are drawn to people with similar strengths, especially if they are farther along in the process of growing up and being something. I still think that's sometimes true. But I also think we tend to admire people with way different strengths, and that's probably because we need them.

I admire entrepreneurs - people who see a need and fill it and then work really hard to supply the demand that practically grows because they told it to. I admire people who dig in and do their research and go into every project ridiculously prepared.

Felicity recently helped me discover some people like this. They call themselves Story Cartel.

Story Cartel is a site where we indie authors can offer our book for free, for a limited time, in the hopes that some of the readers will review it on major sites like Amazon and Goodreads. Word-of-mouth is still, hands-down, the most effective marketing tool for pretty much anything people plunk down money for. We want to know that someone before tested the water, and it's not too cold or grimy inside. Even if they don't love the water, if they can just give us an idea of what kind of person might love it, we are grateful.

Water's fine!

For the next twenty days, thanks to the wonderful people at this online promoter of stories, you can download the Kindle or PDF version of The Thank You Room for FREE. No strings. If you do so and write a review for the book, you'll be entered to win a $10 gift card from Amazon. (I could have chosen the other option - print copies of my book - but what if you go to all that work of downloading, reading, and reviewing and then hate it? Who wants to win the hard copy of a book you hated?)

The readers of my blog have already been the dearest, sweetest readers any girl could ask for, so I'm probably marketing to the choir, so to speak. But if you're interested (or you'd like to spread the word), visit my book on Story Cartel, and I hope you win.

*This was a promotional period. The book is now available only on Amazon.


I Swear I Lived


This is a tree.