Laugh Every Day

Yesterday Jake took pictures around the house. So I thought I'd show you another hairdo I have. The boys never really know if I'll come out of the bathroom with long, brunette hair or a short blond bob. It's so fun I almost don't care that I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever have hair again. (ALMOST IS A HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT. I CARE.)

I gotta show you another picture from yesterday too. It's extremely cool. But I think it's the reason I went all Recent-Cancer-Survivor on my kids last night and grouched at them for being glum. I was all, Dudes, in the last hour you've grouched about the cape you can't find and the fact that I wouldn't make up math problems for you for fun while I was cleaning the kitchen and the fact that I wouldn't let you go on the internet to find math problems, and the fact that you missed the beginning of Shark Boy and Lava Girl while you were in the tub. I did not say, BUT NONE OF THIS IS CANCER, as I wanted to.

Baby Violet

And, yeah, I think the reason I freaked out on them is because this picture was all it took for me yesterday. It's my niece Violet. And it made me wonder all day, are grownups EVER this happy? And if not, why aren't we? It makes me want to sing in the car and dance more and laugh way, way more often. And for some reason I couldn't figure out why my 5 and 9-year-olds didn't feel this way too.I should have shown them the picture.


Sentimental Favorites


I Believe in Spring