in praise of children and grandparents

So, I'm not sure it was the smartest thing to start a new job right at the beginning of summer vacation. Have I already mentioned that? I was used to sticking headphones in my ears while the boys played around me. It was easy to tune out their cartoon commentaries and frequent hunger pangs (very frequent hunger pangs) when I was listening to a physician in my head set. It's a little more difficult when I'm writing about educational attractions around the country. Plus, although it is technically an at-home job, I have to be at the office to record video, so there's childcare to think about. My employer has been really helpful with that, but it's still an added stress when it's not something I had to think of before. It's gone totally fine of course. Just like when you're a mother for the first time. There's a lot to worry and stress about, you're completely exhausted and terrified half the time, but—you know—so happy you don't care. So I haven't actually been too thrown by the difficulty of throwing a new job into the summer vacation mix.

But then, the kids are staying with Michael's mom for a couple of days, and suddenly having a job and still cooking supper and keeping the house straightened AND driving out of town to renew my driver's license today—it was all so much easier. If you're a grandmother, (or an aunt or friend without children of your own), consider this. The occasional over-nighter. Seriously - once a year even. It will SAVE YOUR CHILDREN'S LIVES.

Now, please, don't misunderstand. If the fact that I completely, unnervingly, without exception totally adore my children is not superbly clear on this blog, then I'm shutting it down this very moment and starting over from the beginning WITH MORE PICTURES. (Have I shown you Jake's hair cut? SO CUTE.)

But, just a little break. A few moments where you only have to straighten the living room once and you don't have to change any diapers and you miss them so much that it hurts—it's really helpful.

So thank you to Jane for the breather. Apologize to Kent for me for the fact that he's probably not getting meals any ore, and please tell them that by the time they see me again it will be like a whole new mommy—or rather, the old mommy, but BETTER.


And also, he named the boy Knox . . . that's my county!


what to do while I'm waiting