We'd like a house just outside of town someday. I saw a dark wood floor I loved once, I'd like that in the dining room, along with lots of windows.
I'd like to get a book published someday and maybe a song and a children's book and a screenplay . . .I've gotten so many lovely notes and cards (and flowers! Thank you, Harold and Lori) the last couple of weeks. Cards and letters are highly underrated. I think I'll start writing them more often.
I've had a few low moments lately, but no matter how low they were, Jake could always make me grin. He's the sunshiniest creature alive, and I'm so lucky to belong to him.
At my niece's birthday party last weekend I let them paint my hair. Hair painting: Also highly underrated.
Did I mention it wasn't cancer?
I need some new shoes and jeans. I want to start doing my Pilates again. I have yet to open April's issue of InStyle. I have a stack of must-reads and tons more on the list. I hope to actually put out flowers this spring - Grandma says May Day is a good time. And don't I have the manuscript for a novel half begun somewhere?
Hello, Life. I'm back.